Dear Visitor,
Because in these webpage only one blog is operable, therefore I made a nother blog page in english language on blogspot. If You klick on the picture, You’ll transfered to My blog page. I honestly hope, You will find it interresting, and I can show these beautifull craft. I love to work with natural materials, like leather or wood and to build from the “simlpe” material something unique. I’m trying to present the craft, so the base knowlidge, the tools and also the practise. I’m presenting also some videos, how the shoe made.
I’m makeing mostly shoes for woman, with the application of 250 different leathers and more then a dozen different lasts, wich makes sometimes my customers unable to decide. 🙂
I hope You will find these blog usefull, and once You will also have a custom made shoe , wich customized for Your feet, made with care and knowlidge by a hand of 20 some years of practise…